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NorCom installs DaSense for Detroit Diesel Corporation


NorCom Information Technology GmbH & Co. KGaA installs DaSense at Detroit Diesel Corporation (DDC) in Detroit. The DDC, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Daimler Group, is currently carrying out a selection process for a measurement data management and analytics framework and intends to try out various solutions in the current test phase by the end of March, including DaSense. If the test phase is successful, some use cases have already been defined for which DaSense can then be used.

The first contact with the DDC came about during the Daimler Big Data Info Days in September 2018 - there NorCom presented the big data analysis software DaSense internally to interested parties from the Daimler Group. NorCom combined its presence at Automobili-D in Detroit in January with the start of the project at DDC: DaSense was installed on Microsoft Azure at DDC in order to first give the customer the opportunity to explore the potential of DaSense in practical use.

NorCom also carried out on-site training and an interactive DaSense demo based on a compact partial data set. The next step is now to convert all of the truck fleet data provided by the DDC into the DaSense format and make it available for analysis. In addition, NorCom will work closely with the customer to create initial analysis examples such as event searches or distribution statistics which, as a starting point, enable the DDC data scientists to implement adjustments and their own further analyzes within DaSense (Analytics as a Service).

“With the installation of DaSense at DDC, we are taking the first step into the American automotive industry. The test phase is a good opportunity for us to show how powerful and beneficial a lean installation of DaSense is, ”says Dr. Tobias Abthoff, Managing Director at NorCom. "The clear goal is of course to decide the test phase for us and to get DaSense into productive use with quantifiable benefit at DDC as soon as possible."

The DaSense technology developed by NorCom analyzes and manages complex, heterogeneous, semi-structured and highly proprietary data specializing in technical features and challenges in the automotive industry. So far, the software has mainly been used in research and development. The field of application of DaSense extends over the entire current and future product range of an automobile manufacturer: Processing, management and analysis of data can be carried out via DaSense for classic drive concepts via hybrid and electric cars to autonomous vehicles.


NorCom Information Technology GmbH & Co. KGaA develops and implements big data solutions for international companies. NorCom supports customers in processing and analyzing their data in data centers distributed around the world with the help of modern big data, machine learning and deep learning tools in a productive environment.

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