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Comments on the figures for the third quarter of 2023

November 17, 2023


NorCom Information Technology GmbH & Co. KGaA achieved total performance of EUR 7,392 thousand in the first nine months of the 2023 financial year (Q1-3/2022: EUR 7,346 thousand). The EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization) was positive at EUR 90 thousand (Q1-3/2021: EUR -96 thousand).


Sales remained largely stable in the third quarter compared to the previous year. However, it was possible to reduce operating expenses compared to the previous year. This enabled positive earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization to be achieved.


“In view of the economic situation, the 9-month figures are satisfactory,” says Viggo Nordbakk, Managing Director of NorCom, commenting on the result. “There is great interest on the part of companies in solutions for using artificial intelligence in everyday work – we notice this in discussions, and this is also shown by numerous studies. But there is currently no willingness to invest. The economic conditions seem too uncertain. Against this background, our stable sales and improved earnings are an acceptable result.”


DaSense is a comprehensive AI platform for various requirements

With the AI ​​platform DaSense, NorCom makes artificial intelligence (AI) applications available to every employee in the company.


Data scientists can develop individual AI applications on DaSense's integrated development environment using current open-source tools. The individual apps can be made accessible to specialist users in the company via a convenient interface. These apps can be used to use artificial intelligence without any prior technical knowledge.

In addition to the individual apps, DaSense now comes with 18 standard apps included.

These represent processes and activities in document management or data analysis that occur very frequently and are relevant across companies and industries. This means customers can quickly start using artificial intelligence and use AI in their work practice beyond their individual use cases.


DaSense becomes a specialist for a company

 The AI ​​in DaSense is trained on recognized industry data, e.g. legal texts, specialist know-how and scientific data as well as specific company data, and can work with this knowledge. DaSense thus draws on in-depth specialist knowledge and develops a precise understanding of complex technical terms and concepts. DaSense is not only able to provide answers to questions, but can also independently generate high-quality content. The user carries out the quality control.



Due to the uncertain economic conditions, NorCom expects continued stable sales development and is therefore in the lower corridor of the forecast. Overall, a slight improvement is expected compared to the previous year.


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