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The automated end-to-end big data pipeline for the new ASAM standards.

Geparkte Autos

The challenge

The analysis of measurement data in a modern big data environment requires a workflow with which the collected data can be analyzed.

The newly published ASAM OpenDataServices (ODS) standard forms the basis for an innovative big data analysis.

So far there is no solution available with which companies can use the new standard with already collected data in MDF or ATFX formats or in addition to existing ODS databases.


our solution

NorCom therefore offers a scalable solution for using measurement data:

  • Converting data to the main format for big data files by connecting existing (ODS) databases or directly importing raw data from popular automotive formats,

  • Enable scalable time series analysis by providing a simple and specialized library for engineers and data scientists,

  • Export results and insights back to the root source to complete the loop.


The customer benefit

The seamless integration of measurement data enables fast and scalable analysis of time series data without the need to create dedicated data science knowledge from scratch or tedious data migration.

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