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Applied AI

'Applied AI' is an initiative that includes all of Europe. The aim is to advance the development of artificial intelligence and to find common solutions to problems. In Germany, the sub-organization 'AI4Germany' is active. This is made up of leading companies and research institutes.

🤝 We are starting to build an infrastructure for AI technology to make Germany and Europe competitive as a location. The network of experts works closely together to set the necessary course.

🤝 For companies, this could mean in the future that they not only use 'isolated' AI systems, but can also fall back on cooperative models.

🤝 First of all, workshops and other information events will be held for those interested. In this way, other players can be brought on board and networking begins. In addition, information on the use of the AI ​​infrastructure is passed on, which creates awareness of the topic and enables companies to use the technology.

💡 The research and development of artificial intelligence and the construction of an infrastructure is important for Germany and all of Europe.

Have you heard of AppliedAI or AI4Germany?

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