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Filter and search with AI

You know it from many 'lawyer series', but also from the everyday life of offices and law firms. All files for a specific case or with specific characteristics are searched for.

🔎 Simple keyword searches bring results here, but not necessarily all you want or too many. For example, if you want to get the complete private correspondence from Mr. Müller to Ms. Meyer as a search result, several factors are decisive.

❔ Was there also business correspondence with Ms. Meyer?

❔ Was it always sent to the same (mail) address?

❔ Was Ms. Meyer's full name always used or also pseudonyms?

🔎 The criteria can quickly become very confusing. But an AI can learn them. Business letters differ from private letters in many ways. The AI ​​is taught these differences and can use it to classify all letters into business and private in just a few seconds. The more she does it, the more accurate she becomes.

🔎 The time saving is enormous. What the AI ​​can do in a few seconds can mean days of work for employees.

Are your employees often busy with time-consuming work? Our AI apps eliminate time wasters!

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