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Voting rights announcements / Director's Dealings - ARCHIVE
01/01/2020 I 11:22 am
Notification of voting rights: Baring Fund Managers Limited
01.10.2020 I 11:19 a.m.
Notification of voting rights: Baring Asset Management Limited
01.10.2018 / 15:36
DD, Victoria Nordbakk, October 1st, 2018, donation
01.10.2018 / 15:31
DD, Viggo Nordbakk, October 1st, 2018, donation
06/11/2018 / 12:44
Notification of voting rights: Baring Fund Managers Limited
06/11/2018 / 12:44
Notification of voting rights: Baring Asset Management Limited
06/09/2017 19:57
03.09.2013 09:38
DD | Gebhard Tanner, March 25, 2013, sales
03.09.2013 09:36
DD | Gebhard Tanner, March 21, 2013, sales
03.09.2013 09:34
DD | Gebhard Tanner, March 20, 2013, sales
03.09.2013 09:32
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