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Digital administrative procedures are more than just convenience!

📌 In Germany, going to the authorities is still necessary in many cases. It is partly due to legal regulations, but to a not insignificant extent also to a lack of technical implementation for digital processes.

💡 The Online Access Act (OZG) was passed in 2017 and was intended to make a number of administrative procedures unnecessary. The successes so far are still very clear and far from "area-wide".

❗ It would not only help the citizens, but also reduce the effort of the employees and thus ensure more efficiency, because personal appointments are associated with a great deal of effort.

The core problems are:

🙉 the development and implementation of digital apps

🙉 to get high performance with large data traffic

🙉 to ensure data security

🙉 Automate the correct sorting of incoming applications

👉 In short: infrastructure, technical equipment and know-how are the basics. This is exactly where our expertise lies! We help you to start into a digital future and to make everyday work more efficient for everyone involved.

💪 Would you like to learn more about our concepts?

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