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New Apps online: Sentiment- and Language App

We regularly add new apps that our customers are using successfully to our apps page. Today we want to introduce you to the Sentiment App and the Language App.


The Sentiment-App can check large volumes of extensive documents for their opinion: Is the text formulated positively or negatively? The sentiment app assesses the sentiment of each sentence (positive, negative, neutral) in documents and calculates a sentiment score. It also provides the ten most positive & negative sentences per document.

Functions: Filter on sentiment scores, evaluation: positive, negative, neutral, German-Sentiment-Bert (based on language model BERT), Sentenizer: Spacy, sentiment score



The Language-App offers speech recognition for texts. It recognizes the language of a document based on the entire text and allows filtering based on this characteristic.


Functions: Speech recognition, creating a filter for the language, confidence of recognition

NorCom Information Technology GmbH & Co. KGaA develops and implements big data solutions for international companies. NorCom supports customers in processing and analyzing their data in data centers distributed around the world with the help of modern big data, machine learning and deep learning tools in a productive environment.

NorCom Information Technology GmbH & Co. KGaA, Gabelsbergerstraße 4, 80333 Munich, T +49 (0) 89 939 48 0,



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